Colombian coffee farm visit - Origin trips Amrita Coffee

Colombia Tolima Del Rio

A smooth full bodied coffee with hints of spice, citrus, and brown sugar.
Spice icon - Laura Taft illustration


Citrus icon - Laura Taft illustration


Brown Sugar icon - Laura Taft illustration

brown sugar


Colombia Tolima Del Rio


Our Del Rio coffee comes from the Tolima region. The region is Colombia’s third largest producing region. It is located between Huila, Cauca in a highly remote area. Due to it remote location most of the coffee grown in the region grown without the use of chemical pesticides and herbicides.

Coffee Flower illustration - Laura Taft Amrita


Tolima, Colombia

Coffee green cherries - Laura Taft illustration



Coffee green ripening cherries - Laura Taft illustration


4,750-4,920 ft.

Coffee red cherries - Laura Taft illustration


Fully Washed

Roasted to Order

Colombian coffee farm visit - Origin trips Amrita Coffee
Tolima del Rio map

Colombia is one of the most diverse coffee growing regions and is the world’s third largest producer of coffee. It has fourteen key distinct regions: Nariño, Cauca, Meta, Huila, Tolima, Quindio, Caldas, Risaralda, Antioquia, Valle, Cundinamarca, Boyacá, Santander and Norte de Santander. Due to its diversity the country has two harvest seasons.

Our Del Rio coffee comes from the Tolima region. The region is Colombia’s third largest producing region. It is located between Huila, Cauca in a highly remote area. Due to it remote location most of the coffee grown in the region grown without the use of chemical pesticides and herbicides.

Our Del Rio coffee is sourced from family-owned farms organized around ASOTBIBAO, an association with 50 members. The members of the association are graduates of SENA a non-governmental institution that provides social and technical education. The association works with their members to improve the quality of coffee by providing technical support to guide the farmers on the best agricultural practices for quality and sustainable coffee production.

Blue Heron Amrita Coffee - LAURA TAFT illustration